1·The successful collaborations with other key international cancer organizations will continue to be a cornerstone of the joint programme.
2·He also rejects the mooted idea that some security forces answerable to Mr Abbas would be allowed back into Gaza. And he ruled out an agreement on a joint programme with Fatah.
3·The joint programme with WHO underlines our conviction that only through combined effort and collaboration can we bring hope and relief to those whose lives are threatened by cancer.
4·This article makes a thorough analysis of the opportunity and challenge student management work encounters in the joint programme, and also gives relevant strategies and suggestions.
5·Joint efforts will also respond to requests for cancer control assessment and programme development assistance in low - and middle-income countries.
6·During the summit, the two nations will announce a new energy cooperation programme, unveil closer collaboration on "cleaner coal" technology and smart grids and establish a joint research centre.
7·CROWS is a joint acquisition programme for weapon stations for the US Army's vehicle programmes.
8·However, I hope that this programme of work for the next 10 years will provide the framework for many joint achievements.
9·While there are many international standards and regulations in place – most of these are enshrined in the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme (Codex Alimentarius) – problems can still arise.
10·The UNAIDS [Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS] campaign, “No More People Living with HIV Dying of TB”, is promoting greater awareness of these interlinked epidemics.